giggles and late rants

you know you're lazy when you can't be bothered to scrape up the energy to do an update. i've had things to say, to talk about, but i just haven't had the will to actively do anything but lay around and read.

yesterday was spent sitting on the deck, basking in the sun while the boy dug holes in the back garden. i'd like to say it was a welcome relief, but the truth is i haven't been doing much else for the past couple of days.

i've stopped unpacking, i've stopped wanting to leave the house. i've been relatively happy, i just feel lazy.

when the day comes that i have to go be lazy at work again, i won't know what to do with myself. that day appears to be friday btw. truth be told, i actually wanted to go back sooner, but far be it for me to argue with the gods of scheduling.

so what have i been doing with my time besides sitting in the cool colorado breezes? learning to make blinkies. sometimes these thing just creep up on me and i get lost. in the back of my head i hear a voice screaming at me to not act 12 years old, but there must be another voice that flicks his ears till he quiets down because it inevitably happens anyway. the same thing happened when i joined neopets for a week. so sad. i was truly ashamed of myself.

but blinkies are interesting this week, learning to use my animation program better, which in turn could be a good thing if i decide to become a cartoonist or something. when i get them spruced up i'll post them for you to giggle and point at as further evidence of how very uncool i am.

here's something else that's incredibly sad about me. a few days ago i dug out the ole head shaver, aptly named 'buzz', to cut the hub's hair. he was dicking around doing something else and while i waited i thought it'd be funny to see if it would cut the hair on my legs. imagine my surprise and my disgust to find that not only was the hair long enough to be cut with the shaver, but it actually did a very good job in making it short enough to be cut with a normal razor. which is good becuase seomtimes when i really let it go it takes me a good half hour and 2 new razor blades to get through the jungle. i can't believe i just told you that. i also can't believe i said "dicking around" up there. heh.

anyway, despite the fact that i never posted a reply to it, i did catch the very interesting entry crystal posted a couple fo days ago about us americans opinions on the opinions of us americans by the rest of the world. (read it again, it does make sense)

i've been thinking about this, trying to put an intelligent reponse together in my head, and i'm not sure i have gotten that far yet. but what i did come up with is this...

i think a lot of people in other countries view americans as ignorant and selfish. we have all this opportunity and knowledge at our finger tips and we don't make use it. not for good anyway. instead, we tend to use whatever and whoever we can to become bigger and fatter and better(supposedly), without ever sharing the wealth or favours bestowed on us. we only look at things in the light of what we can get out of it, instead of trying to help for the sake of helping. we fight for things that mean nothing in the big picture, that do more harm that good, just because we have "rights". and countries that don't agree with us are 'third-world' and 'backwards'.

we are self-righteous, blind, self-absorbed, and greedy. and we bring whatever we get on ourselves. it's karma, bitches.

yes, i'm american, but these days i'm not so sure that's a good thing.

i've seen a different way of living, a different type of caring. i've seen the most intelligent people really use what they have and know to help, and then turn around and explain why in simple terms. i've seen the good of the people really mean something. i've seen culture and history and importance. all in a country 1/3 of the size. i'd be proud of that, and it would be a nice change.


ok, well, i don't suppose i'll get much feedback on that with noone reading, but there it is, and i don't care to take any of it back. if i could add one thing it would be a plea to the canadian people to stay on their own and not get sucked into the melting pot of crap.

thanks, come again.

i'm sure there was something else i was going to tell you lot, but i've forgotten what it was. seems i do that a lot. oh well.

have a good day and find something to do that will get your mind off all the war palaver.


seeds - bloom







