oh hi didn't see you there

i'm in the clutches of some sort of plague at the moment. i'm convinced i'm on my deathbed, and so what better than to catalogue my last moments on dear old diaryland?

yes, i know i've been MIA forr a while now. no, i don't know where i've been. here i suppose, all along, but lurking and keepnig quiet. the bad part of that is once you stop checking in it becomes damned near impossible to start again.
there's no way i could bring you up to date on everything that been happening since i last updated. generalities like xmas was ok.. new years was quiet... life is going on. whoooo
i'm still alive, and everyone is good.
i've started watching crazy coco's kids in a psuedo daycare way and it is exhausting, who knew?
i've watched these kids before, but somehow the 5 of them together wipes me out like it never did before. and then they got me fecking sick.
little bastards. heh

anyway, i might be a little delirious and i've totally forgotten what there was to talk about, so i've gotta go lay down for a while. if i can kick the hub out of bed that is.

tata cukes. missed you


ps. oh hey where'd the piccys go? crap i forgot all about that.

seeds - bloom







