should i genuflect or cross myself first or what?

i'm voting today.
i feel excited and anxious. but mostly i feel proud. this is the first election i've ever voted in, and that in itself is something, but it feels much more important.
it feels like i'm going to make a small stand for my future and my son's future.

i want to feel safe again. i don't want to live in constant confusion and fear, i hate the feeling that everything is out of my hands.
i want to know that my son will be free to be whatever he is/ wants to be. i want to know that he can love and marry whomever his heart wants. i want to know that he'll have a choice for college, career, and retirement. I want to know that his life won't be looked down upon because he's an american.

i also want to know that my mom will come home. i want to know that she and so many others won't be further wasted for no reason.

i can't be sure that the person i vote for will be the promise for all that, but i feel comfortable in the decision that it will never have a chance if we let the other guy's cabinet stay where it is.

i'm not so naive to think that my one vote will make the difference, but i like the idea that i put my two cents in. so i can say i tried.


ok i did it. i went in (got lost and went to the wrong place first but still). i filled the bubbles in, i fed the paper into the machine.
i don't know how it made me feel- still proud i guess, but i feel the other shoe hasn't dropped yet. maybe i'm still trying to figure out the sense in polling places being in churches. HELLO SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. i'm sure jesus would not approve. errr, or maybe he would. maybe he's up there with a big bowl of popcorn watching.

ok then....
but yayayyaayay. i am a part of the democratic process.
here's a picture to prove it... sort of.

i look scary early in the morning.

anyway, i hope the rest of you got out and voted today. i hope you chose with your heart.

may the best man win.



seeds - bloom







