digi fun

after much debate and hoo haw we are now the proud owners of a digital camera. it's all very exciting. for me, not for you, i'm sure. we've been taking various sneak shots of eachothers naughty clothed places and then deleting them. heh.

that's about the most exciting thing going on around here.

i'm still employed. it's been almost 3 weeks or something and i don't even hate it yet. i emphasize the word yet. i could, however do without all the drama going on with the people who sit around me. one girl just up and quit friday and everyone else cried. i was all "oh, you shouldn't quit" while secretly wondering how long i should wait before i started to steal her office supplies. (it turned out to be about an hour if you're curious.) scissors are like gold around that place, yo. heh.

then there's the inevitable social faux pas waiting to happen with the freaky "one eye on london, the other eye on new york" girl-next-cube. i already had one small oopsie and i know it can only get worse. i'm continually trying to figure out what eye she's looking at me with and inwardly hoping that she won't notice i'm nervously staring at anything but her. last week i had the oopsie.

i came upon her having a conversation, and i thought she was having it with me. i mean, she was looking directly at me. well, you know what i mean, sort of looking at me, or the rest of the building. so i start nodding and agreeing, etc. when she says "i'm talking to her" and points to someone in the other direction. i could have peed myself i was holding the embarassment and giggles in so hard. instead, i sort of slunk off to my cube and stared at the floor.

i swear tho, cukes, she WAS looking at ME. fuck.

outside of that, the best thing i've found about the whole business, so far, is the commute. it is very rare to have 30 minutes of alone time and i get it now every morning and night. one might think i'd use it to meditate or ponder the ponderables, but i've discovered that i tend to talk to myself more than is healthy. i find myself telling jokes and laughing out loud. and they're not even funny jokes.

just the other day there was an accident that sent us all on a detour wild-goose-chase through housing developments. i was getting myself all worked up because i was lost and late. in the midst of my out-loud rambling i said, "what? was that car made out of plutonium?" ..... and i laughed. i thought i was very clever. i believed i was hilarious.

but then again, i always say no one appreciates my humour, and now sometimes i'm one of them.

anyway, another good thing about the job is i've made a couple of good friends. which is nice because up to now i only had the one and she's not the most dependable person ever. so i have people to go on break with and talk to and it's sort of... nice. yeah.

i haven't had any really interesting cases come up yet. i'm doing mostly workman's compensation stuff, and everyone so far has kept their limbs and organs. quite disappointing that. i'll let you know if anything comes up.

well, i gotta go check on my roast chicken.

hope everyone out there is well and happy.

eat your veggies.

later cukes


seeds - bloom







