
the hub is out at another work do tonight, so i'm trying to find things to amuse myself. trouble is, i'm not doing too well in my endeavour. i'm actually bored shitless.

i can't even watch a movie, i get half way through and start looking for something else or pick my ears and become over-interested in what i may have found. it's sickening.

i'm out of books. i've read everything i intended to read, and am considering moving onto the hub's pile of books. he's got a crapload of terry pratchett stories waiting there, but i don't know where to start with them.


i think i had a good day today. i was meant to watch two of coco's kids, but when she came to drop them off i convinced her to call in sick. i'm evil like that. it's almost too easy. all i had to do was give her a carton of cigarettes that i was meaning to give her anyway. she's easy. probably why she has so many damn kids. heh.

so we had a nice little mexican meal, ignoring the kids while while we talked and gabbed and prattled on with our mouths full.

a good girls afternoon out i'd say. she's the only one who enjoys, or rather puts up with, my little anecdotes and the way they quickly turn into rants. bless her pointed little head. she makes me feel so normal.

i think the boy had a good time as well, he's completely passed out from exhaustion, which is a blessing in itself. thought i'm kind of wishing he was awake because he amuses me quite a bit. he just has his thick-headed little ways. he is truly his mothers son. and no one can yell at the hamster the same way. a tiny little voice shouting "get in the fucking ball bitch". charming and completely original. i'd be lost without him.

yes. *sigh*

well my dear cukes, i think it's time i went to pick my nails and bite all the skin from my fingers. hope you had a lucky friday the 13th.


seeds - bloom







