
i'm taking a short break from packing to have a cigarette and thought i'd say a hello before i pack the old pc up.

i feel all tied up in knots today, i know there is so much i have to get done TODAY, and i'm overwhelmed.

the hub has gone to work today, he just couldn't miss another day after being sick, and that's ok really, i don't think i'd feel any less stressed if he were here. it's just the idea of it all, not the actual doing it. i'm sure i will get it done, i've only got the kitchen and various bits around the house to put in the last box, so there's not much left.

the big task for the day is actually getting the stuff i need to take to my mom's house over there. i'm a weakling and the idea of carrying boxes down a flight of stairs i can barely walk down is daunting.

and now it's fecking snowing. what luck.

ah, this has been a crap entry, and i apologize. my mind is scattered and reeling and it's coming across well.


seeds - bloom







