punky pinky

hey good looking- watcha got cookin'?

happy thursday and all that malarkey.

what? are you kidding me? it's only thursday? wtf people.

make with the weekend already, yo.


i'm feeling downright exhausted today, and i'm getting a little slap happy. i fell stupid. god, who can tell the difference really? i'm a little bit stupid all the time, what's one more day?

at least i'm not cranky yet.



anyway.. what's new with you dear readers? ha! who am i kidding, no reads this bollocks anymore.

so just in the interest of entertaining myself.. i'm doing ok, other than the tiredness.

as usual, there's really not much to talk about. i find my life completely nuinteresting sometimes. i go to work, i come home and cook, and in between i manage to have a few giggles with my boys. it could be worse.

summer has hit us, and it's been really hot around here lately. most of the time i feel like my insides are cooking like stew. there is rarely any relief being as my house must be sealed like a bubble to protect the hub from the vile, giant-toothed moths that like to sneak in and dive bomb him. you'd think the tiny little things were flying bags of anthrax or something. it's cute, isn't it?

yeah, you'd think so.

hey speaking of cute.. what about this new pink layout? i was bored and the orange of the last one was a bit strong after a while. i've still got to tweak a few things. now that i'm looking at the font at work it seems HUGE and totally makes the page look all wonky. so i'll fix that.. but otherwise, i think it's nifty.

it smells like feet over here.. i swear i just thought i heard someone ask who opened a bag of Fritos. hehe


errrmm i started this long time ago.. and i forgot what i wanted to say so i'm scuttling off..

see ya leter alligators.


seeds - bloom







