my weekend: an essay

i must say that i actually had a very nice birthday- or birthday week if you want to get technical. sometimes it pays to have friends that you're nice to.

but really, i was spoiled rotten, as you'd expect to be, and it was great.

all week long i actually had a reason to go to work- prezzies! every morning there were goodies on my desk- gift cards, flowers, socks, chotchkes. it was really lovely and i felt really special.

friday the hub and i took half a day off and went to see "the passion of christ". now, i'm not sure that it turned out to be all it was chalked up to be, but it was brutal. with a capital B.

i have somewhat sketchy views on various parts of religion- one of them being jaysus- so i'm guessing that's probably why i didn't find it as spiritually moving as some would, but i'm glad we saw it. and anyway, any internal dialog it might have created in me was soon drowned out by some retail therapy.

shopping pretty much wipes out any thoughts i have for a short while, it's quite effective that way.

after that we went out to eat and then came home to let our stomachs settle while watching more movies.

my main project this weekend was to pretty up the front porch. i figure that with the rest of the yard looking so sad and dilapidated, there's no harm in making the porch gaudy. it takes the eye away from the brown patchy grass.

but it turned out nicely i think. just a little table and odds with their ends. i even created a pretty spring wreath for the front door. i'm sure i'm not done until i've cluttered the whole area up and everyone on the block thinks a family of circus freaks live here.

other than that, babyj starts his new school tomorrow, and while i'm excited to be getting away from the hell he was in, i'm a little nervous to be throwing him in a new environment. but i've been assured that he'll do fine- so we'll see.

god, it'a back to work again already. sometimes it's not even worth having a weekend. of course i'd freak out if i didn't.

well, i'm off to veg out for the rest of my weekend.

be good cukes. see you later

and thank you for the birthday wishes!

much appreciated really!


seeds - bloom







