scoop poop

ok so the scoop on what's happening around here. i must warn you tho, it's actually quite boring.

work first-

important detail up front- the company hires through a staffing agency, and until they have an opening in the company you're techinically a temp. they like to say that we're all treated the same, and that would be a nice thing to think, if you were 3 or something.

but since we're "temps", it's obviously easier to screw us and that must be fun.

ok when i started at the "swiss embassy" one of the biggest draws to it was the incentives. the things they give me for just showing up. i like that idea personally- pay me to work, and on top of that pay me for bothering to get out of bed in the morning. it's good. but then it all changed.

one morning i wake up and find out that we "temps" will be finding ourselves incentive free. the perks have been eliminated. BAM. *insert sound of meat cleaver cutting something fast and loud* SHLOOMP.

dunno why, cuz i said so. because i'm the mommy, that's why. because that's the way god wants it. i don't know, ask him.

anyway, we're left high and dry and wondering what all our effort is for now. there is much grumbling. you mean to tell me i actually have to work? for just my paycheck? ah crap.

but it gets better. the very next day the "real" employees have a meeting. five dollars to whomever can guess what that meeting was about. no. their incentives are getting better- raises, bonuses, big fat platters of caviar and edible gold.

there was more grumbling. needless to say, the rest of us, the red-headed stepp children, if you like, aren't really pleased. but what can you do? it took me so long to find a job, i don't really want to start over. and i don't hate it there yet, so i guess i can stick it out for a bit.

i really wish i could win the lottery though. that would solve a lot of problems. this one and the next specifically.

babyj's school. *sigh*

it's trying. am i being tested about how much bullshit i can take?

we're having the same problems we had with the last daycare. in that, babyj goes a little crazy, makes a little love, and people don't know what to do with him.

i've been trying to go with the flow this time. i've allowed them to call in a child liasion, someone to observe and give advice. i've tried to back them up, i've tried backing babyj up, i've tried just ignoring it all together.

i've gone to parent-teacher meetings and listened, bit my tongue. i've tried to wait it out. and i thought it was getting better.

yesterday, i was told that they would like me to take babyj out. they think he would benefit more from a home daycare situation. he needs more one-on-one interaction. i agree with that part, but why should babyj, and us, be punished because they can't find the time for him? why is it the law that children his age can manage one teacher to ten kids? why are their shortcomings our fault?

poor babyj, he's made friends there, he's comfortable, it's easy for us.

so why? just why?

at first i was understanding. i could see the point. i get it. but now, i'm past that. i don't want to put him in a home daycare again. i'm pissed off. it's not fair. it totally sucks.

and it's just one more thing i have to deal with.


sometimes i just don't know what to do.

but i guess i'll see what happens next and go from there.

there you go, it's bed time so i'm off.

be kind cukes, and live good.


seeds - bloom







