duties. dooo ties. *giggle*

oh gawd. for the love of gawd. holy lawd.
that's it. no real reason to say that, it just had to be said.

moving on...

happy MLKJ day to you all.

it was a really nice day here, with a soaring temperature of 65 and a bright shiny sun. the hub even had the day off, and babyj was sick off school. what a perfect chance to lounge at home with my boys. in my big clown pants jammies. ah, yes, but i- being the responsible person that i am- skipped my way off to work.
there must be someone hooking up an ice maker down in hell. i mean, i passed up a day to play hooky. what the hell is up with that.

i blame it on my close proximity to 'the hill' and the nearing chance that i'll be passing over it someday.
hmmmm, could i have found a more complicated way to say it's because i'm fecking old? see? that proves it right there. all the big words and stuff. like i'm trying to impress someone.

so anyway....

i forgot what i was going to say now. shit.

i heard from my mom the other day and her deployment has been extended by another 3 months. i have a suspicion that she volunteered for it, because she's crazy like that, but i guess it's ok because it'll give her more time to bitch about her fiance guy, and it gives us another few months to get off our asses and start looking for a house again. i think we're getting too comfortable living here. sometimes i actually forget that i hate this house. especially because it has absolutely none of *US* in it. we haven't put any of our pictures up, there's no character to the decor here. it's been nearly a year and we still haven't had anyone over. i just don't want anyone to think i would decorate my house like this. my mom definitely has her own sense of style. if that's what you want to call it.

speaking of the lovely woman- did i mention that she was here for a week just after christmas? well, i should have mentioned it, but i think i was trying to block it from memory. it was, needless to say, not the funnest week ever. i think after the first few hours, the hub and i were already counting down to when she was leaving.

i don't think she was getting the idea that thought she owns the house, she doesn't live here and so she doesn't have a lot of control about what happens in it. or something. you know what i mean.

at any rate she started right in on the cleaning and snooping and turning the heater down so it was actually colder inside than out. all the while saying things like "what are you watching? what's it about? is there anything else on? who? this remote's too complicated, i'm tired of running it. and turn off that light."

oh i love her so.

like i said, i'm trying to block it out. but overall it was good to see her and at least the house was clean for a week.

so i got up and fixed dinner and now i have no idea what i was on about and what i was going to say next.

so i will just show you a little picture of what i made for babyj this weekend, because i'm all crafty and stuff.

cute, isn't it? i've only been wanting to do it for like 4 years or something. and i think it lived up to what i wanted it to look like. it's just big duvet cover that i slipped over his comforter, with the matching pillow cases. it cost less than if i'd bought a set somewhere, and it's queen size so i can put it on his big bed. why do all children's bed sets only come in twin?

anyway, i'm clever. heh

ok i'm off.

take care and have a good night cukes.


seeds - bloom







