happy crimbo

Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukah everyone!

I know it has been a donkey's age since I've updated here, and I am truly sorry about that. Every time I think about stopping in I either

a.) don't have a damned thing to talk about,

b.) I do have stuff to talk about but it's so boring or weird that I can't bring myself to bring it up, or

c.) my connection's been blocked. (damn you workplace IT).

But I'm forcing it on today, it being the near holiday and all.

Plus i'm really fecking bored. We're working shortened hours today, and now I know why- I've been here 1 � hours and had one blinking call. I've read all my magazines. I don't have the attention span to start the new book I bought. I already painted my nails yesterday in a fit of boredom. I'll get into trouble if I call people on my phone. And I've read every single murder story on courttv.

This is a fascinating place to work. Really. It's non-stop action around here. I mean wow, I've only fallen completely asleep at my desk the once. So that's saying something, isn't it?

Anyway, there really hasn't been a lot going on with me and mine lately. Every other day seems like the one before, and I suppose that's ok.

Work is going well, though I'm already on a written warning for my attendance. I don't actually mind going in most days because it's an easy place to be and I've made some good friends here.

I can't complain about anything that matters.

The hub is ok, we've all been sick lately and I think it's hitting him more often than the rest of us, but he's plugging along.

I think the holidays are getting him down this year, but then again they do pretty much every year. He starts to miss thing and people from home- I can totally understand that though. But it won't be long until we go back for a visit and that ought to buck him up for a while. Babyj, well, I suppose he's not really a baby anymore, but I don't know what else to call him here- he's good. As good as he can be anyhow. We're having almost constant struggles with the new daycare, and that gets us all down, but he still makes me light up when he's around. He's so imaginative and funny, it's a shame that some people don't see it in him. The teachers at his school seem to only see when he's doing something they don't like, and in my opinion, they make it worse by not understanding. He really doesn't like this school, and I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for myself too, because it absolutely breaks my heart to go in and hear how horrible he is. It's just bad luck with us, and bad timing.

Anyway, as I was saying, he's doing well, and he, out of all of us, is nearly spastic with expectations of Christmas. I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve. I can't believe this year is over already.

This month has gone far too quickly, and I still haven't gotten everything on my list done. So much left to do before my mom gets here on the 29th. It'll be really god to see her, but fuck, it's stressful trying to get her house back in order before she comes.

She's notoriously picky and over-observant, so it's not a small thing I'm freaking out about here. I had to clean the walls, dust every damned thing in the house, have things fixed, pull out stuff of hers I didn't want to live with, and I still have to clean the damned carpets this weekend. That's always a hoot.

And on top of all that, I'll be meeting the StepFather and the StepBrother for the first time ever when she comes. To steal a familiar idea from xtine- "my better angels" are telling me to hold onto something because it's going to get crazy up in here.

But I'm trying not to worry about it because i only want to think about opening presents. I love me some prezzies. Of course, I hope I still love it after tomorrow.

The husband has me all confused and worried about what he got me. In the beginning, I had an idea of what it might be. Something expensive enough for the bank to call and make sure someone hadn't stolen the credit card. And I immediately thought �. Computer�.. awwww. I mean that would be the best bet since mine is coughing its last breath out as we speak. (It doesn't help that I keep spilling cans of pop on it though.)

But then the hub started in with the guessing games and hints. I hate it when people do this. I am perfectly content to wonder and daydream and get all freaked out trying to figure out what I'm getting. So when someone wants me to guess it's like the sickest joke ever. I mean really, either I'll guess it and be right but the surprise is over, or I'll guess it, be wrong, and be disappointed and hostile. Either way it's no fun.

Santa wouldn't like it.

But that's the kind of person the hub is. He guessed what I got him 5 minutes after I ordered it. ( this is it btw.) It totally ruined everything. I mean he doesn't know exactly what it looks like, but fuck, there's not a whole lot of ways a case can look. And then I had to go out and get him something else because he can't know everything. It's not a nice thing to do to people, cukes. I'm just saying.

Ummm, yeah so back to the original story� he started hinting. Statements about it's hardness in the world, and how it can cut glass and the FedEx guy could have just slipped it under the door it's so small.

And all I could think was "AW CRAP".

Not because I wouldn't like an actual wedding ring, but because that's not what I expected and also because you don't go and pick out a diamond ring without some sort of input from the person who'll be wearing it. And well, also because I wanted a new laptop.

But I'm pretty easily fooled and maybe he's just trying to throw me off the trail. We�ll see, I guess. And I promise to try and smile when I open it. It just better not be the only present I have under the tree. Which begs the question- are you more of a "quality" type

or are you more into the "quantity"? please.. vote in the guestbook. I'd like to know if I'm the only greedy person out there who wants as many boxes as possible from santy.

Man I'm awfully chatty today.

It's as if I haven't talked in a month. heh

I still have an hour to go here in work then say hello to a four day weekend. Then I come back for 2 days before I have another 5 days off. And then� 2 days back and 8 days off for our welsh vacation. It's all very exciting.

I'm actually looking forward to the trip this year. It'll be a nice break after the stress of the holidays. I hope. The sister-in-law is finally getting married and so it'll be a chance to meet a lot of family I don�t know from the hub's side.

But I'm really looking forward to seeing the girls and getting that fresh relaxed feeling that comes over me when I'm there.

I miss Wales.

I can't believe I couldn't appreciate it when we lived there. But I suppose that's fate. Something had to bring us to the states. But I wish we could go back. I can recognize the beauty and the peace there. The green fields and the vast surrounding sea. The humour and the culture of the welsh people. * sigh * it's time to go back.

Well, I suppose I've rambled enough now. Kudos for those of you who made it to the end.

And please forgive the correct spelling, grammar, and capitalization in this entry- the bloody spellcheck monkey wouldn't get off my back.

I hope you all have a wonderful and merry Christmas, and the best of new years.

Take care, and revel in the fortune you are blessed with.

Love ya cukes,


seeds - bloom







