
i know it's been like a year or something since i last updated, and while i feel horrible about that, i also recently renewed my gold membership, so i thought i should get back into it.

not that i have much to tell you...

so let's see, the rundown.

beyond all imagination, i recently started a new job. imagine that. i am gainfully employed. hitler is probably enjoying a nice ice cream sandwich about now.

i've actually just finished the first week of training, so it could go either way at this point, but so far, i think it's going well. i don't know shit about the insurance field but they don't seem to care and i'm good with that.

so far i've spent a good amount of time observing my fellow classmates and deciding which side of the "list" i want to put them on. the headings of that list being "annoying as all get out" and "not bad enough to make me want to stab myself". i think we're doing well so far, as the "not bad" list far outweighs the other.

anyway, i find myself unbelievably tired most nights, as you do. but it's kind of nice. i think i was getting tired of being lazy all the time. at least i won't be sitting around eating all day. good news buttocks! you're entirely too big these days.

i'm afraid i'm gonna get that 'when are you due" question soon, and then i'll have to kill myself.

the other people in my life are still around. they haven't left me yet. there's another miracle in itself.

so, babyj is in daycare again, and after a few tearful days i think he's starting to get used to it. he seems amazed that i actually do come back to pick him up at the end of the day. poor kid, you'd think i'd left him some place before. which, of course, i have not. i don't think.

um yeah.

the hub has finally come to the end stages of all the kidney business, though that hasn't put an end to the manly whining. bless him and his pointy little head.

then there's dear old mother who still doesn't know what the hell she's doing. coming, going, getting married. she's gone off and lost her mind and found a man. fair play, she's happy and that's what counts, right? but what the hell? i wouldn't deny her the happiness, of course, but now she has no idea if or when she's coming home, so we're just hanging out waiting for her to decide. but that's nothing new i suppose. it's not like we've got plans to go anywhere anyway. we're so broke we can't even see straight. so we'll just hunker down and squat here till she kicks us out.

so yeah, that's the update on my life.

i'm off to find something to do now. i'm so confused with this daylight savings that i'm not sure when to do anything. i swear it's bedtime already- but surprise! it's only 6:30. it's a governmental trick. fuckers.

ok then, hope the rest of your weekend is good...



seeds - bloom







