the circus

welcome to the 'great hamster hunt of 2003', thank you all for coming.
i would just like to take this opportunity to remind you that the management is not responsible for anything stolen or hurt during this event.
now, if you're ready, please take off your shoes, stretch a little and get your peripheral vision on, we've got a lot of searching to do.
hey you, with the long ape arms there, get in front.

yes, we have a loose hampster. it's actually the second time this week the little jack bastard has escaped. seems while he was at 'hamster daycare' he turned into a little houdini. somehow he figured out how to get the cage door open and then burrowed his way into some dark corner we can't find.

last week, after a full 24 hours in the wild, we managed to lure him back into his cage, but this time he's gotten a lot smarter. now he just waits till we're not looking, goes in to eat, and then smapers off again. last night we saw him in the kitchen but he's got his underground railroad tunnels hidden very well.

we've seen hide nor hair or poop from him since, but he's managed to carry off the carrots i've left for him.

babyj has given up looking as is convinced we should just go to the petstore and get another one already. of course, if he had his way we'd come home with 7 parrots and a tank of crickets.

i'm sure the hamster is having the adventure of his life out there, but i'm getting annoyed. any of you have any tips on how to capture the damn thing? short of poisoning him, i'm willing to try anything.

now, if you're tired of the hamster hunt, i'd like to direct you next door to the "moth expo", where you can be covered in a multitude of moths ranging in size from tiny fly to gigantic fuck off golfball.
we have extra shoes and newspapers for anyone interested in trying their swatting reflexes. just remember not to open your mouth too wide.

i could sit here and wave them away all day, but the hub goes into a panic when he sees one. so now i've got to get off my lazy ass and chase them around with various weapons, covering every surface in the house with moth dust.

what the hell is up with that, by the way, what on earth does all that dust and fluff do for them? it's sickening.

plus , there's a whole lot of them in one place and you scare them, they poop on you. bet you didn't know that, but they do and it's disgusting.

again, if any of you have any suggestions on controlling the throngs, i'd love to hear it.

outside of that, there's not a lot to tell you. the hub is getting better, but slowly. he got his zipper removed today, so that's a step in the right direction. it'll be at least a week until he's released to go back to work or anything else. poor dab.

not that i'm not having a grand ol' time. it's just that i've been getting tired very quickly lately with all the caring i've had to do for my two boys. bless them.

on top of all that, it's extremely hard for me to update, limited time and very limited typing ability on my pc. as it is now i've got to find a few spare minutes to sneak onto the hub's pc to be here. so all the stuff i think about updating about is usually gone by the time i actually make it here.

anywho, i should go see how everyone's doing.

hope you're all well.


seeds - bloom







