missing: immune system- large reward

just for those who are wondering, i am still feeling deadly ill. i can just feel the flu creeping up on me.

since the hub got home i have managed a little more than what i did the whole of the day before that, but not much. i took the trash out, which left me gasping for breath and then just sat here while the hub and his friend ate chicken and talked business.

i feel like opening a hole into my chest and screaming at my cells. "what the fuck are you lot doing in there, taking a vacation? and where did my immune system run off to? you'd better thell them to get back here or no more ice cream for any of you for a very long time!" but at this point i think they'd be flipping me off and just continue dancing around with lampshades on their tiny little amoeba heads. damn them.

in other news, funny things keep popping up posted to our front door. today we got this big long note about the al-queda planning to bomb apartment buildings and what to do in case something happens or we see suspicous activities like strange cars in the parking lot and extra visitors. well, let's see. if something happens we'll be dead probably. strange cars and visitors? i don't pay attention to my neighbours because they're all weirdos with beards. so i'll just continue in my little bubble and forget about it. how's that?

anyway, i'm off to bed before my head explodes. that must be where the party has crawled to. who'd have known that's where the pub would be? ahh all sense has alluded me now.


seeds - bloom







