breast enlargement

now that i have a chance to sit down and rest for a minute, i am here for your amusement. i hope. i have been cleaning and doing laundry and ironing and making dinner, all while fighting with the insurance and phone companies on the phone and beating babyj soundly and now i am tired. it has not been an extremely busy day, but i think i managed to get a lot done, which is amazing in itself. it has also been one of the stranger days i've had in a while. apart from random strangers giving babyj stuffed animals and mcdonald's toys for free because he's so cute, i've received 7 emails about breast enlargement and found loads of money in the street where ever i went. now, anyone who knows me can tell you that the last thing i need is bigger boobs. and really i only found a few quarters- but hey, that's still loads of money to some people.
but i have felt chipper and energetic through most of it. i have been managing to push negativity out of my head whenever i start resenting something and really, it makes for a much happier poppy for a few hours. i am fighting the urge to hate certain things about certain people everyday but thinking about what's cool about them. granted, sometimes it doesn't always work and i end up thinking about how much i hate that the hub tells me his opinion on something and then as soon as i start to tell mine, turns his back on me and goes back to his video game, but there is really nothing i can do about that. i'm going to make childish faces at him because i can and dammit, that's ok. so there.

i have also been thinking about how funny it is that i'm a reviewer. i wonder if some of the people that i have reviewed come to see my page and laugh because it's so crap. "hello kettle? this is pot... you're black." i have been looking at other templates but i think how sad it is that i am willing to dump this one so quickly after all that work i have put into her. she looks at me with those big eyes and i can't do it.
anyway, if any of you reading this have been reviewed by me and are indeed laughing and pointing. i'm sorry but just because i don't know enough html to make the coolest page in history, doesn't mean i can't tell when i see it or don't. or something like that.

so the hub is out having a drink tonight and i am stuck here with the kid, but it's not too b ad because i really don't mind having the time to myself. sure, i have all day, but babyj is more relaxed at night and there's more to do in the evening. so i think i'll call a few people and watch some crap telly and sit around naked. maybe not so much naked as fully clothed but still...

ok i'm off to put the kid to bed. watch me go.


weird fact of the day: Almost all the villians in the Bible have red hair.

seeds - bloom







