
wish i could say that i've been busy and that's why i haven't updated in the last two days but alas no, just lazy.

been watching alot of movies...

you know in the matrix when they're teaching neo jujistsu or trinity how to fly a helicopter in like 5 seconds? well i've been trying to inagine what i would choose to learn if i could do that. when i asked my hubby what he'd pick he said if he wanted to learn something that badly he'd just learn it. well sorry but not all of us have the abilities to understand any subject enough to master it. so i don't know what mine would be.. maybe a foreign language because even though i took 7 years of spanish in school i don't remember anything but "hay treinte muchachos en mi pantalones"... how sad is that?


is it just me or would it feel the best to be able to take a basball bat to someone? what a release that would be. i suppose that's why i like to bite people, although i've never met anyone who would let me bite them as hard as i'd like. just to feel the power/control of inflicting pain and the satisfaction of a good bite or swing of a bat or to extinguish a cigarette on an arm. hmmmm... probably a good thing that i'm not a violent person.

i have never been in a fight and i don't believe it's my right to take life hence i am anti-gun. yes, i am a communist as people tend to tell me. a pacifist. people like me are why the world is like it is and blah blah blah.

all i know is it's all fun and games til someone gets cheez whiz on the cat or my child gets shot at school. *sigh*

well not alot else going on - bought some new books online... found the second book to the story of O and a new book by kerouac not published before, so i am all excited and can't wait til they get here.

still no jobs on the horizon but my unemployment checks will start soon... whoohooo i is welfare trash now! bring on the toilet for the front yard.

J's got another interview monday so cross your fingers. anything to get him outta the house.. hehehe

well i suppose i'm off to bed... night night all


seeds - bloom







